Awards and award winners
Steffi Niedermayer, Johannes Steidle: Environment award Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw 2017 for the development of a new type of rearing device - "Hohenheimer Box"- for beneficial insects to promote the biological control of stored product pests.
Sandra Herold: Prize for the best poster in the Faculty of Natural Sciences on the 5. Humboldt reloaded Annual Meeting, October 25 2016, at the University of Hohenheim for the project „Und ab geht die Post! Ermittlung von Transportbedingungen und Eliminierung eventueller Transportprobleme beim Versand von Nützlingen“. Supervisor Steffi Niedermayer (Universität Hohenheim).
Christian König: Walter-Schall prize of the Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg e.V. 2015 for his studies on sex pheromones of the click-beetle genus Idolus.
Fabian Heim: Study prize of the Universitätsbund Hohenheim e.V. for the best master-thesis of the Faculty of Natural Sciences 2015 entitled: “Analysis of RNAi-induced long-term memory inhibition using CREB in Nasonia vitripennis”.
Elena Krimmer: ELLS Prize (Euroleague for Life Sciences) for the best master-thesis in biology 2015 entitled "The role of Wolbachia and cytoplasmic incompatibility in the speciation of Lariophagus distinguendus".
Anke Nasahl: „Prize for an outstanding project“ on the annual students conference 2014 of Humboldt reloaded, University of Hohenheim. Project title: „Making the invisible visible: Interference patterns on wings of Chalcid wasps “. Supervisors: Lars Krogmann (Museum for Natural History, Stuttgart), Prof. Dr. Johannes Steidle (University of Hohenheim).
Gabi Schmid: ELLS Prize (Euroleague for Life Sciences) for the best master-thesis in biology 2013 entitled "Host finding kairomones for the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis".
Gabi Schmid: Best poster in ecology on the annual meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG) in Konstanz 2012 für the poster entitled "The smell of death: Attractive carcass odours for the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis".
Carolin Sommer: 3. Prize on the annual meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG) in Saarbrücken 2011 for a poster entitled "A struggling learner among parasitic wasps - Dynamics of long-term memory (LTM) in the model parasitoid Nasonia vitripennis".
Christian König: ICSEB Student Award 2011 of the International Organisation for Systematic and Evolutionary Biology for the talk “Chemical communication as a genetically barrier – When sex pheromones do not attract mating partners from other populations".
Christian König: „Honorable Mention Talk“ on the 15th PhD Meeting of Evolutionary Biology of the German Zoological Society (DZG) in Freiburg, 2011.
Steffi Niedermayer: Best poster on the 57. Pflanzenschutztagung in Berlin 2011 for a poster entitled "Der Einsatz von Parasitoiden im Vorratsschutz am Beispiel von Lariophagus distinguendus und Anisopteromalus calandrae".
Michael Stöffler: Study prize of the Universitätsbund Hohenheim e.V. for the best diploma thesis in natural sciences 2007 for the thesis entitled „Chemische Verteidigung und Mimikry bei myrmecophilen Kurzfluglern“.
Michael Stöffler: Walter-Schall prize of the Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg e.V. 2007 for the study "Beiträge zum Vorkommen und zur Biologie myrmecophiler Kurzflügler der Gattung Zyras (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Baden-Württemberg unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von chemischer Verteidigung und Mimikry"