University of Hohenheim
Institute for Biology (190t)
Garbenstraße 30 | Laborbau Bio II | 2. OG, Raum 32.252
D-70599 Stuttgart
T 0049 (0)711 459 23 764
Current Position
Project coordination
- Erhardt, S., Pfister, J., Beier, M., Vorderbrügge, R., Förschler, M. I., & Fietz, J. (2025). Habitat requirements and home range use of the threatened garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) in a coniferous forest. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 71(2), 38.
- Erhardt, S., Förschler, M. I., & Fietz, J. (2024). Is promiscuity the key? Multiple paternity in the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus). Mammalian Biology.
- Is promiscuity the key? Multiple paternity in the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus). Erhardt S., Förschler M., Fietz J.Talk at the International Dormouse Conference, Wetzlar - Germany, September 2024
- Habitat use and requirements of the garden dormouse in a coniferous forest. Erhardt S., Förschler M., Fietz J., Talk at the International Dormouse Conference, Wetzlar - Germany, September 2024
- Body mass loss as an early warning signal in the garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus)? Erhardt S., Förschler M., Fietz J., Talk at the 116th annual meeting of the German Zoological Society, Stuttgart - Germany, September 2024
- Was everything better in the good old days? Declining body mass in the Garden Dormouse (Eliomys quercinus), Erhardt S., Förschler M., Fietz J., Talk at the International Dormouse Conference, Svilengrad - Bulgaria, 2022